June 19, 2008

Google Adsense With Smart Pricing

Now if smart pricing is really making you frustrated with your adsense earning or not, but the truth is that many webmasters are seeing a steady decrease in the earnings from their adsense. Those lovely days when we used to get $5 for a click are not coming anymore for majority of us.

Why? Have you done anything wrong? Or have you changed your website or its structure? Maybe NO but still you are seeing the decrease. I recently read the famous book on death of adsense. But then I don't believe whatever I read. You can even opt not to believe or read this post. I am not going to give you the tools or secret ways to boost your adsense earning and get out of the smart pricing.

It's simple to understand one thing. There is no free money.

Now if there is no free money then Google will not pay you for free. Am I right? Google is just delivering the ads on your site. What the advertiser gets is a visitor who had landed from your site to his site through adsense. For which he is charged some amount. This all of us know. That amount also depends on the specific postions and keywords that also we know.

Now the new thing in this is that whenever the advertiser gets a visitor from your site. He can track that does it converts into a sale or a lead or performs some action like filling in a form or something similar to it.

If that advertiser recieves lets say 10 visitors from your site and none of them is turning out to be good for the advertiser then he would be in loss of the money spent on the marketing of his product or services. They can opt to bid less for the content ads. Which most of the advertisers do nowadays.

Okay so you cutting the long story short you can just think of it like this way. You get paid. Google gets paid for their system. Advertiser gets paid as he makes some sales or gets some actions done. Mutual benefits. ehhe heeh

So can you control the human minds? Is it possible to guess that how many visitors will be clicking and how many of them would purchase upon clicking and visiting the advertisers site? I don't think so.

So the only way that remains to give our advertisers more benefits and get more earnings from the adsense is to get more sales or leads for our advertisers. This can be done. Here are some basic things that need to be followed.

Lets say your site is targetting some keyword for which some user searches and lands on your page. When he or she doesn't finds the useful info then they might leave the page by closing the window or by clicking and landing on the advertisers site. Remember the ads are contextual so they will also be relevant to some other topic which is not useful for the visitor or the visitor doesn't has any kind of interest in it.

Yes you get paid for it. But you get paid pennies.

Its better to get low CTR but good traffic that converts. So in end you have more earnings.

10 x penny paying ads = pennies.
2 x good paying ads = good earnings.

For this you have to create sites that focus on some particular niche. People mostly visiting that site will be interested in that content and products and services related to that topic. So your chances increase that the visitor will do some action or buy some products after landing on the advertisers page. Which in return can show the advertisers that they are getting good deals from your website and you will not be smart priced.

If this article seems foolish then you can opt not to follow it. I don't claim that I have made millions of bucks with my ideas and secrets it is nothing secret it is just commonsense. It just came into my mind and I wrote it down. So that webmasters can earn bit more from their adsense without worrying much about smart pricing.

Did you find this article useful? For more useful tips and hints, points to ponder and keep in mind, techniques, and insights pertaining to Google Adsense, do please browse for more information at our websites.

By: anjna sharma

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

www.www.google-atm-machine.com www.googleatmcash.com

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